When conservatives talk about Constitution they mean the Confederate Constitution
"One grave weakness in the U.S. Constitution is the "general welfare" clause, which the Confederate Constitution eliminated." http://mises.org/freemarket_detail.aspx?control=353
"One grave weakness in the U.S. Constitution is the "general welfare" clause, which the Confederate Constitution eliminated." http://mises.org/freemarket_detail.aspx?control=353
No wonder conservatives attack our constitution i.e., the US Constitution as if it was theirs!!!
The Mises Institute monthly
Volume 10, Number 6; June 1992
The Confederate Constitution
By Randall G. Holcombe
Anyways, here is the Libertarian, TEAPARTY CONFEDERATE view..
"We continually hear about restoring the meaning, intent and spirit of the Constitution. Few know that we had a far preferable blueprint for a federation before the 1789 U.S. Constitution. It was called the Articles of Confederation. Have you ever read it? If not you should. At the outset it’s opening declaration has - Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union Between the States. Some may want to misconstrue that perpetual means subordinate. In Article II, the basis for union is stated with total clarity - Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every power, jurisdiction and right which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled.
Concern for national defense, diplomacy and treaties, assumption of war debt, extradition to state courts, unencumbered travel and commerce, coinage and adjudicator of disputes between states are subjects of mention. Prohibitions on specific areas for states are listed, while the few sections of administration by "a Committee of the States" are noted.
No doubt the U.S. Constitution, added valuable protections against a tyrannical central government in the Bill of Rights. But, the nature of the expanded roles for the executive and judicial branches in that same - U.S. Constitution - elevating them to a theoretical and dubious co-equal status, created the inevitable usurpation of the legitimate power of the independent states. We all know the tragic history of the unimpeded executive despotism in America. Far fewer understand the catastrophic precedent in the decision of Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury vs Madison - placing the Supreme Court as the arbiter of the constitutionality of congressional legislation. The mere restoration to the constraints in the 1789 U.S. Constitution will not revive the Republic from its demise into an absolutist oppressor. Only a systemic dismantling of that central government, returning primacy back to individual states will restore the vision of the American Revolution."