“There is nothing on this green earth that a liberal fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government,” Allen West said today in a Speech at CPAC. (of course small government for the 99% and big gov for the 1%) but nevertheless, so according to West liberals fear him....really? last time I checked liberals without fear faced up to you and took you out of power Mr. West....
Anyways, my take on C.P.A.C. the "(C)ollectivism (P)hobia of the (A)nti-government (C)rowd"
http://mahilena.typepad.com/blog/2013/03/cpac-collectivism-phobia-of-the-anti-government-crowd-1.html …
Anyways, my take on C.P.A.C. the "(C)ollectivism (P)hobia of the (A)nti-government (C)rowd"
http://mahilena.typepad.com/blog/2013/03/cpac-collectivism-phobia-of-the-anti-government-crowd-1.html …