Libertarian Hypocrisy: “Neo-Cons” and the Boogeyman
"The Libertarian accusation is thus: Neo-cons are always looking for the next boogeyman in the world to help perpetuate the military-industrial complex. That’s it. Everything in the world – every problem, terrorist event, mad despot, is nothing more than a military-industrial complex creation to enrich themselves and lead to one-world government. Do you see the hypocrisy?
A Libertarian will look you dead in the eye and tell you that there is a Federal Reserve – Bildeberger – Rothschild – Rockefeller – CFR – Tri Lateral Commission – Skull and Bones conspiracy to run the world. Every single time something around the world happens, whether Kim Jong-il farts in North Korea, or the suicidal Islamist President in the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to rid the world of Jews – whatever – it is all a grand conspiracy and we are all being duped.
Geez, talk about looking for a boogeyman!"
Libertarians will claim there are no real bad guys in the world bent on conquest and domination except the bad guys they picked, neo-cons, and pillory neo-cons for finding the next boogeyman as a tool to support the military-industrial complex even as they themselves point to yet another boogeyman in the grand conspiracy to rule the world.
Libertarians bash our war in Iraq as a war of choice and “preventative war” and give you quotes like this one from General Eisenhower as Fox News host Judge Andrew Napolitano did recently on his Facebook page:
“Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
Then the good Judge might post something like this, as he recently did:
fearing Iran is akin to fearing that teenagers with spitwads in 60 years might cross the Atlantic Ocean and throw rocks at us.
Now, I have two basic problems with those quotes when taken in context – maybe three.
First of all, in the context used it directly compares George W. Bush to Hitler if you’re accusing Bush of embarking on a “preventative war” in Iraq, and Hitler was an egomaniacal mass murderer. Secondly, 62 years have passed since Hitler and any of his war doctrines and 51 years since Eisenhower left the Oval Office. The world has dramatically changed and where Hitler was unable to sneak a dirty bomb into a New York subway or damage our infrastructure through computer hacking the Islamic Republic of Iran, the major exporter of international terrorism, can do all of that and more.
Judge Napolitano and apparently Ron Paul would have us wait until we have a few thousand dead Americans in New York City or dead Jews in Israel before acting in this modern world of asymetric warfare.
Additionally, Libertarians seem to forget that al-Qaeda sitting in the mountains of Afghanistan in 2001 had no standing army, no blue-water navy and no air force and yet carried out the worst attack on the lower 48 States since the War of 1812. As I love to say, Libertarians need to learn it no longer takes a square-rigger ship full of enemies two months to sail here from afar in order to carry out an attack.
Libertarians are full of hypocrisy and either ignorant of the modern world or intentionally deceitful. And in the case of Libertarians bashing “neo-cons” for finding a boogeyman around every corner I’m reminded of what Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” How many “boogeymen” have the Libertarians found?"