Rick Santorum on CNN Piers Morgan just said exactly what a Conservative Future for America would be "the least the government does for people the better, more freedom.."
yes Rick, maybe the better for those who have consumption power, those who can buy goods and services but how about for those who have no consumption power...
I thought the Declaration of Independence said it clearly:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
It is Government's responsibility according to Jefferson's words above to CARE FOR THOSE who cannot fend for themselves, those with no consumption power...this is the clear cruel vision of Republicans for Americans ...if you cannot make it on your own then just die!!! NO Rick not what Jefferson thought, TO PROTECT LIFE even more so than FREEDOM OR HAPPINESS!!
Government should not care for the hungry, unemployed, homeless, sick, veterans, disabled ...MORE FREEDOM? certainly freedom to die...this is the Anti-Amrican destructive cruely of Republicans very well stated by Rick
Just to save a few pennies for those who can contribute more to the country let the majority of the population suffer...AUSTERITY AND POVERTY FOR the majority great VISION FOR AMERICANS
oh I forgot THE MARKET will figure out a way maybe!! no we need Life, Liberty and Happiness to be guaranteed..that is why the American Revolution and the Union were formed
oh I forgot, BENEVOLENCE should not be part of Government ...but Government should protect only those who can fend for themselves benevolent to them? charities should do the rest...i.e., maybe the unfortunate will be saved ...who cares about them anyways...LETS JUST BE SURE WE DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE GREATER GOOD
Well I have news for anyone thinking this way, SOME DAY YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO FEND FOR YOURSELF then what? and the market may not solve it...and charities may not be there for you...then what?