PAUL RYAN, the AynRand disciple i.e., the devil's disciple (by his own admission) SATANIC Paul Ryan's Plan GUTS MEDICARE, MEDICAID, FOOD STAMPS only to favor trillions of tax savings to the wealthy...!! BEWARE SENIORS, the unemployed, the poor, those with Pre-Existing conditions...THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE DISMANTLED you are on your own...the RICH SHOULD start making plans for purchasing more houses, cars, islands
FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY? really? SOCIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY let THE VULNERABLE DIE anyways they are unwanted bad apples of CAPITALISM, the strongest should keep enhance their status quo, after all that is what the Conservative American path to prosperity is Social Darwinism
New Republican Budget Guts Medicare, Social Safety Net – Just Like Last Year
NJDC — March 20, 2012 – 2:38 pm | Budget | Election 2012 | Health Care | Republicans | Social Safety Net Comments (0) Add a comment
Today, House Republicans unveiled their new budget that—like their budget from last year—fails to address America’s budget needs responsibly or preserve vital social safety net programs.
Last year, several Jewish community organizations and leaders expressed deep concern about the Republicans’ budget proposals. The GOP’s budget this year contains similar policies that only amplify the Republican Party’s message that it does not support the programs supported by the mainstream of the American Jewish community.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said about the GOP’s budget plan:
The House budget once again fails the test of balance, fairness, and shared responsibility. It would shower the wealthiest few Americans with an average tax cut of at least $150,000, while preserving taxpayer giveaways to oil companies and breaks for Wall Street hedge fund managers. What’s worse is that all of these tax breaks would be paid for by undermining Medicare and the very things we need to grow our economy and the middle class - things like education, basic research, and new sources of energy. And instead of strengthening Medicare, the House budget would end Medicare as we know it, turning the guarantee of retirement security into a voucher that will shift higher and higher costs to seniors over time.
Reuters contrasted the Republicans’ approach with the plans supported by President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats:
Where Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and boost near-term spending on infrastructure and education, the Republicans want to cut taxes and spending on healthcare and social safety net programs - benefits used more by the poor and middle classes….
The Republican budget achieves much of its deficit-reduction goals through savings gained by dismantling Obama’s 2010 healthcare reform law and by turning social safety net programs like food stamps and the Medicaid program for the poor into block grants for states.
The Republicans’ latest budget ends Medicare as we know it by replacing long-standing guaranteed retirement program with a voucher system that will leave future seniors to cover extra costs. Reuters noted the key difference between the Republicans’ plan and the plan supported by the President:
Future retirees would get an allowance to help them buy healthcare insurance. They would be able to choose private insurance plans or traditional Medicare, both of which would be offered on a special exchange. This is a slight change from Ryan’s proposal last year, which was met with loud criticism from Democrats and retiree groups. Outside experts estimated out-of-pocket expenses for the elderly would have risen by about $6,000 a year under Ryan’s Medicare reforms unveiled a year ago.
Obama’s budget calls for Medicare savings, but mostly by cutting payments to medical providers, not beneficiaries.
Think Progress noted that the Republicans’ budget also calls for the repeal of key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. In particular, the Republicans aim to:
* Repeal the ban on discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions
* Repeal tax credits that prevent health care costs from ravaging an individual’s income
* Roll back the expansion of Medicaid to those living poverty
Click here to read Think Progress’ analysis.
And click here to read their list of the “Top Five Worst Things About the House GOP’s Budget.”
The Washington Post’s Brad Plumer analyzed the Republican budget’s impact on the social safety net:
Over the next decade, Ryan would spend 30 percent less than the White House on ‘income security’ programs for the poor - that’s everything from food stamps to housing assistance to the earned-income tax credit. (Ryan’s budget would spend $4.8 trillion over this timeframe; the White House’s would spend $6.8 trillion.) Compared with Obama, Ryan would spend 38 percent less on transportation and 24 percent less on veterans. He’d spend 20 percent less on ‘General science, space, and basic technology.’ And, compared with the White House, he’d cut ‘Education, training, employment, and social services’ by a full 44 percent.
Click here to read Plumer’s analysis of the Republican budget. Click here to learn why Plumer’s colleague Ezra Klein considers the GOP budget to be unrealistic.