Americans are now too easily fooled with the Conservative Mantra of Tax Cuts, Freedom and Small Government who promise change and do the same thing over and over. ...more power to the rich..does not lead to prosperity
It’s because we don’t understand the problem and don’t demand real change in the way profits are distributed. Make no mistake, the profits your company makes from your labor are yours but only if you recognize them and demand a fair share of them as we did 80-100 years ago. If not we will continue to get elementary slogans and little change from our politicians and businessmen.
Read up and study where our business profits are going as a percentage. Are they going to the laborers and middle class and the majority of workers? Are they being reinvested for our future? Are they being used to lobby for more tax breaks? This is the issue we must face if we expect real change. If we do not see the stupidity in slogans like the following one from Michelle Bachmann we are done not only as a superpower but as a nation. “If we took away the minimum wage -- if conceivably it was gone -- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level”, -Michelle Bachmann. No kidding Mrs. Bachmann, and if everyone worked for nothing our businesses would be the most profitable in the world, but profitable to who? Not the middle class because there wouldn’t be one. And there wouldn’t be one if we all made $7.50 an hour either.
First, the belief that big business will do better if we cut regulations, cut their taxes, not tax the rich executives, etc., etc. is absolutely correct. Business will do better. The stock market will soar. Their profits will increase, they will probably hire more people, maybe open a new plant or two and do other seemingly positive things for America in a normal economy not in crisis...
However, this will not and has not benefited the American people as a whole and it is slowly killing the American dream. The simple reason is that when big business receive these benefits and improve their bottom line they do not extend these benefits or money to those who are doing the labor, which is generally the middle and lower classes. When Amazon makes billions of dollars and we give them a tax break, guess what? They turn that into increased compensation for a few executives, give some of it to the politicians that cut the regulations, and give more to lobbyists to get more benefits in the future, etc. None of it goes to you and me, the middle-class. Look it up. It’s true.
When Volkswagen has a great year the guys making $14 an hour on an assembly line will get bumped up to maybe $14.25. Meanwhile, inflation has risen 10 percent and wiped out the raise he got and he’s living on even less than he was before he got the raise. See how this works?
That business philosophy is very misleading in that it works, it makes sense, but when it is applied those at the top echelons of the business community, along with our politicians, have figured out how to do away with the benefit before it reaches us-the middle class. This is one of the biggest reasons we are in a recession, and it will not go away anytime soon.
In a market economy the main engine behind growth is consumption. If people aren’t buying a product, whether it’s milk or insurance, there can be no growth. You can manipulate the numbers all you want, which we’ve been doing the past few years since the beginning of the recession, but it will not correct the imbalance in the economy. When you read old articles and books from the turn of last century when Teddy Roosevelt was busting up big business and corruption and Americans were struggling to institute positive labor changes in our economy the American people understood these basic concepts, which translated into real political change. It’s how both Roosevelt’s changed this country for the better, one a Republican and one a Democrat.
Why Conservative Business Ideas Work In Theory And Not In Practice