In as much as I give credit to Ms. Rand for having survived the despotism of communism in Russia and the ill fated thinking that society is supreme to the individual, her work took her to the extreme of the opposit pole namely the "individual's supremacy over society" which ironically outlines a circle and cycle of despotic thinking: I rebel against all thought of the community's power over me and in doing so I then become the supreme entity over the community..which in turns leads to another form of despotism over and over again in a circular fashion.
The idea that the INDIVIDUAL IS SUPREME AND THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, the idea that ABSOLUTE INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM is the goal and purpose of the American Dream...is a stretch which is extremely dangerous since it is the foundation of all dictatorships by single dictators. Today Ayn Rand's ideas have been taken up by Teaparty Libertarian ideology as pretty much its base and foundation. Any form of Government is oppression, the individual SELF AND EGO and its promotion thereof is the basis and should be the basis for the American concept of Freedom...THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE!
If there are any solid contributions of Ayn Rand to the world these can be seen by the abuse of Free Market Captialism where the IDOL OF PROFIT AND IDOLATRY OF SELF reigns supreme therefore leading to actions where only THE STRONGEST survives and its more visible consequences: Crime, WallStreet Abuse, layoffs for the maximization of profits, THAT ULTIMATELY LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF SOCIETY AND THE WORLD.
The FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION were "common sense" individuals OPPOSE TO EXTREMES and lovers of BALANCE. The constitution is THE SHRINE of BALANCED THINKING and totally opposed to extremes. Constitution focuses on the Balance of Power as well as the Balance between the Individual Freedom and the Enhancement of the Common Welfare. For our Founding Fathers TRUE INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM in the form of THE BILL OF RIGHTS can only be assured by an effective Government protecting and acting as referee between the success of the ONE to the success of the MANY...and the protection of those who fail or are made to fail by unforseen uncontrolled circustances. In addition Government was also enshrined with the ability to make life better for all without despotically controlling any. In other words we all contribute to our common welfare while recognizing that we are individually free. This can only happen with a continual stride for balancing, compromising and negotiating.
AYN RAND's stance on the SUPREMACY OF SELF which she took to even attempt to destroy fundamental Christian values (whether one is atheist or believer) only leads to the creation of A SOCIETY OF SMALL LITTLE HITLERS going around...this cannot be sustained and society cannot be formed and built on the basis of LITTLE HITLERS GOING AROUND.....her values will never triumph anywhere and her ideas were not only fallacious but totally wrong and nearly idiotic...
More about Ms. Ayn Rand http://thinkprogress.org/?p=159391
Greenspan, AynRand and Their God That Failed | Common Dreams http://t.co/cV2uBl7
The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/rothbard23.html
Stephen Colbert @ColbertReport vs #AynRand
Critique of #AynRand #Objectivism
Ayn Rand was really not the inventor/founder of "objectivism" She just took pieces from other real philosophers such as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle and combined their "realism" philosophy into "objectivism" there is no ingenuity in her use of this term
Rand's explanation of values presents the view that an individual's primary moral obligation is to achieve his own well-being—it is for his life and his self-interest that an individual ought to adhere to a moral code. Egoism is a corollary of setting man's life as the moral standard A corollary to Rand's endorsement of self-interest is her rejection of the ethical doctrine of altruism—which she defined in the sense of Auguste Comte's altruism (he coined the term), as a moral obligation to live for the sake of others. Rand did not use the term "selfishness" with the negative connotations that it usually has, but to refer to a form of rational egoism:
"To live, man must hold three things as the supreme and ruling
values of his life: Reason, Purpose, Self-esteem."
The essence of Objectivist ethics is summarized by the oath her
Atlas Shrugged character John Galt adhered to:
I swear—by my life and my love of it—that
I will never live for the sake of another man,
nor ask another man to live for mine.
ATLAS SHRUGGED Plunges 70%: Box Office
Among the Tomatometer's top critics, Atlas Shrugged has absolutely no chance of becoming a cult hit. To date, Rupert Murdoch's New York Post is the only outlet that has offered some (cautiously worded) praise for Atlas Shrugged. Other critics were considerably less kind; among those was Variety's Peter Debruge, who opined: "Part one of a trilogy that may never see completion, this hasty, low-budget adaptation would have AynRand spinning in her grave."
#AynRand Disciple @RepRonPaul : ‘Why Not?’ Abolish FEMA,
Government Should Not ‘Take Care Of Us When We Do Dumb Things …
http://t.co/v2RXWAj via @thinkprogress
#AynRand Disciple @HaleyBarbour to Poor Residents Facing Historic Floods: Good Luck,
You're Basically on Your Own http://t.co/Iwgm7t2
#AynRand Disciple @RepRonPaul Calls Social Security and Medicare Unconstitutional,
Compares Them to ‘Slavery’
#AynRand Disciple @SenToomey to destroy #medicaid turning Medicaid into a block grant program for the states.
#AynRand to The #Republican Party IS like Osama Bin Laden to AlQaida
#AynRand #Republican party should be #BRANDED party of #Selfishness and #Greed !! breaking our constitutional protections in support of #corporatism > concentration of #wealth and #power...exactly what our #foundingfathers fought against in their concept of #limitedgovernment
mahilena #FreeMarketSelfCorrections ?How much human mysery while this happens? how many will lose all even their life asa result of the corrections?
mahilena #Capitalism does not make people free. It enslaves people. The #free-market fallacies of #AynRand http://links.org.au/node/1221 #capitalismfailure
mahilena Horatio's Perspective: The De Facto Fallacies of Capitalism, Freedom, Free Markets and the State of the Union http://t.co/a0zOu0E
mahilena #FREE MARKET #FALLACIES http://www.flora.org/flora/archive/mai-info/fallacy.htm
mahilena Real #free-market self corrections would be to kill inefficient workers(or let them starve to death). Because they can't adapt fast enough. Humans are obsolete. They can't keep up with progress
Disappointed in #Austrian #aynrand Economics http://j.mp/lJwo4T
mahilena #BLIND FAITH IN THE VIRTUE OF THE #FREE #MARKET Every aspect of existence its byproduct - religion, family, morality, creativity, politics, community, tradition, ethnicity - was declared merely a byproduct of the marketplace.
The true costs of #Reagan and #extreme #capitalism #capitalismfailure
http://www.planetization.org/reigning.htm #capitalismfailure
#tcot #teaparty #gop
#teaparty #gop #tcot
The issue is that the economic policies of the #Reagan administration were designed to primarily benefit wealthy Americans. At the time a lot of smoke and mirrors were used to convince average Americans that these policies would help them as well. A similar set of lies has been used by those, like Steve Forbes, who promote a flat tax system.
What the "Trickle-Down"/Supply Side policies of the Reagan administration were designed to do was to increase the amount of money available to wealthy Americans for investing and developing businesses. This was intended to create an increase in production of products and services and hence and increase in new jobs. The reason that the policy is called Supply Side, is because the supply of goods increases before there is a demand for goods. So, in that case, the supply of goods is intended to then spark demand, resulting in economic growth.
This use of Supply Side policy led to a huge increase in consumerism and the use of credit. An environment of consumerism was created in American society through the media via advertisements, movies, and television shows, etc. that promoted consumerism. Consumers though, did not have the money to fulfill the desires created by society so debt was used to participate in the economy. Restrictions on credit were loosened under the Reagan administration making it easier for individuals to gain credit lines because the use of credit was essential to growing the economy because real wages were not going up for the average American, yet it was essential that the average American increase spending in order to fuel the economy. This situation fueled female entry into the workforce as more households require two workers to maintain their standard of living Conservative policies failed America and it was deliberate and yes they still try to sell the same nonsense
mahilena Global crisis: failure of #extreme #capitalism - Australian PM http://t.co/dUP7ZrA #capitalismfailure
Great piece of info! I just impressed to read about this entry. Love it to read now. I think it is quite impressive. Thanks for this allocation.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 09/15/2012 at 03:14 PM
Ayn Rand Free Markets Have Spoken: AtlasShrugged was, Well, Shrugged!
Posted by: Mahilena | 06/26/2011 at 06:13 AM
Paul Ryan's love affair with Ayn Rand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGob-Xtxlos
Posted by: Mahilena | 06/26/2011 at 05:57 AM
Thanks for your thoughts...very well stated...just we disagree ...I will comeback and reply in more detail later but truthfully I appreciate your post...
Posted by: Mahilena | 06/25/2011 at 08:00 PM
I would also like to state that I agree with many of the things you say, but from where I sit, it looks like you have a lot of good points mixed together with a lot of voodoo economics.
For one example, Austrian economics is anything but "trickle down". On the contrary; it empowers the common people to have control over their own money. Economists of the Austrian and Monetarist schools have often predicted economic events coming our way. The ones who haven't are the Keynesians. And a theory is only as good as its ability to predict.
Sadly, discredited and downright disproven Keynesian economic theory is firmly embedded in today's Democratic politics. To the point that it is doubtful you could remove one from the other without a major struggle. The idea that the government can moderate the economy by controlling the money supply is interesting and inviting... but they've been doing it for 100 years now, and guess what? It hasn't worked. Even a little.
Stimulus spending (a Keynesian concept) prolonged the effects of the Great Depression for a good 10 years. And it hasn't worked at any time since, either. It sure as hell did not work this time. And it wouldn't have, even if had been real Keynesian stimulus spending, rather than what it really was: a giveaway to major corporations that benefited citizens little but increased their debt by an enormous margin. Debt which, by the way, is inflationary, contrary to what the Keynesians say.
Don't believe that the increased debt is inflationary? Then you haven't been grocery shopping lately.
YOU are paying to bail out Wall Street, while Wall Street has done nothing to help you. That's garbage, and you can thank the Democrats for that, just as much as the Republicans, if not more. The votes are in the history books.
Posted by: Anne Ominous | 06/25/2011 at 01:02 PM
While Ayn Rand was no saint, she is also often misunderstood, especially when it comes to her use of the word "selfishness", which was not used in the way most people understand the word.
If you had read Atlas Shrugged and understood it, then you would know that Rand's philosophy does promote "selfishness", in the sense that she believed that people are entitled to the benefits of their own work. HOWEVER, her version of "selfishness" also includes the principle that people should never ask from other people something that they have not earned.
It's that second part that many people do not get. But if you did, you would know that someone who truly follows Objectivism could never become a dictator, because Rand was all about the idea that power over others is abhorrent.
I'm not saying that Rand's philosophy is perfect (I'm not an Objectivist myself), and I am sure there are a lot of Rand's followers who misunderstand her. But obviously you do, too.
Posted by: Anne Ominous | 06/25/2011 at 12:49 PM
Appreciate your comments but disagree. There is no such thing as neosocialism inthe sense of anyone trying to make America socialist. This is a false interpretation and defense against those of us who disagree with Austrian type "trickle down" economics. Regan began the fight against our Government as the Beast that must be starved" and promote the elimination of all efforts to protect the least powerful and the least able to compete. AynRand Austrian Economics is survival of the strongest and the Free Market as the solution to all problems and the God of all aspects of our lives including religion, family etc...this is incorrect Self correcting Free Markets will dictate the elimination of the weakest and OUR CONSTITUTION's interest in Domestic Tranquility and promoting (enhancing) common welfare and acting as a referee between competing capitalists is what has made America Exceptional. Our Government is what we should be proud of and not the false pretenses that Free Market leads to absolute freedom. This is a fallacy. There are millions of Americans in poverty and defenseless against an economic machinery that if not guarded against by government can destroy the nation as a heartless monster embracing everthing. The Obama administration is making sure that this does not happen and I favor this 100%
Posted by: Mahilena | 05/28/2011 at 04:14 PM
Both Political Parties are in the pockets of Corporate America. Thinking that Democrats have the answers is just a vote for "Progressive-ism". A simple search on the internet will show you what that is all about = Neo-Socialism. Sorry I do not what a world of shared poverty & pseudo Marxist ideas.
The current mess is a combination of deregulation from both the Clinton Administration & the Bush Administrations.
To try to summarize the entire Tea Party movement as an extension of "Rand-ism" is a false one. Your anger at the Tea Party is though well intentioned is misguided.
The real political battle going on right now is the battle of the free individual & free society vs the current Corporatacracy where the current government is largely influenced by corporate interests.
They own the media & the politicians so pretty much anything that does not serve their profitability will not hear heard about or addressed. Virtually the last place on earth where you can get true data & real stories is the internet but even that is a job sifting through the various viewpoints.
While disagree with the atheist aspect of Rand's work much of her writings had to do with the individual rising above the MOB or the Collective Subconscious which tries to strike down anyone who would rise above it. It is not that the individual is all & the group is nothing.
The real enemies lie in the vast Big Oil & Big Pharma cronies of the Bush administration & the Wall Street crowd of the Obama Administration. Ron Paul & the Libertarians are more YOUR friend then any other political group out there. You are believing the hype.
Posted by: KR1963 | 05/28/2011 at 03:53 PM
Actually, Rand didn't just "survive" after the revolution, she thrived! She left Russia before the horrors of Stalin. After the revolution, she was able to enjoy an education, which Jews and especially women were never allowed before, and even she recalled it later as a happy and fulfilling time. It's also where she learned enough about film making to go to Hollywood.
Russia didn't just instantly change into the evil empire it became. In the 1920s it was full of promise for many, and Rand got out while the getting was very good. She never suffered under communism - in fact, she owed it a great deal.
Posted by: Facebook | 05/16/2011 at 10:06 AM